Create positive change for your staff and your company

We provide a fun and exciting team building program that helps to:

  • Bring the team together
  • Increase problem solving skills
  • Reduce conflict, tension and negativity among staff
  • Reduce negativity among staff and team members
  • Improve team morale, productivity & harmony
  • Overcome barriers related to language, culture and age

We have many different tools at our disposal to help create an excellent workshop experience filled with new insights, team spirit, creativity, problem solving and lots of fun.

This is a great way to bring your team together in new ways, which will often provide tangible results in relation to thriving, productivity and responsibility.

CREATE A VIDEO /  JINGLE for Social Media

Create a catchy jingle, song or music video for your company.

We have the facilities and talent to get your team together for a fun, creative experience which in turn will help you brand your product, service or company - and bring your team together in a new way.


Perform either your jingle or song - or do covers.

We will coach your team to be able to perform either your jingle/song or cover versions of songs you choose.

The participants will experience making decisions as a group, being creative, solving problems and get better at dealing with conflict.

The experience brings the team together in a fun, creative way and increases the sense of community between them.